Let me RECAP:

As we know the 3 Hebrews worshiped God and refused to bow to the golden statue. When King Neb heard this he was furious and told the guards to make the furnace 3x's hotter! Really scary stuff.
Here's the part that has gripped my heart... Shadrach Meshach and AbedNego responded saying:
"O Neb, we have no reason to answer you in this matter. If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and He will deliver us from your hand O King." (that's the part we all shout "YEAH, GREAT faith!")
but wait ... they continue...
"BUT IF NOT, let it be known to you O King, that we do not serve your gods...."
There it is.
This is what a true heart of submission and trust looks like.
I love their ENORMOUS faith. However, it's really easy to skip over this crucial part of their faith. They KNEW God was able. They were also not shaken by what God's decision would be.
This is not about giving up on our dreams. No, it's about a heart that is submitted to His timing and His way. I KNOW God is able to create life in me. But, WHEN He does it is up to HIM. When we get a promise from God, we hold on to it. Sometimes it doesn't come in the time frame we are expecting it to come in. Sometimes it doesn't even look like what we thought it would look like. What is important however, is that we do not BOW.
Every month that I get a negative pregnancy test, I have a "But If NOT" moment. What is my response to a situation that seems like God did not come through again? I want to bow... to the gods of despair, depression, fear etc.
After seeing this so clearly and recognizing what I was doing- it had to STOP! I WILL NOT BOW any longer. God will come through and He will do ALL that He has promised.
Whatever it may be in your life, choose today not to bow to what you see; circumstances that would cause you to doubt the hand of God in your life. Choose to believe that He is working even when we don't see Him. Choose to believe, like Shadrach, Meshack and AbedNego, with hearts submitted to HIS plan, God will deliver us from the fiery furnace. God did deliver them AND He will deliver you too!
Luke 1:45
"And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord! "