There are other times when you feel so inadequate and wonder how in the world you could have been chosen and entrusted with such a beautiful creation. What a HUGE responsibility; the raising and nurturing of a CHILD. (I mean I kill EVERY plant that passes by my "black thumb". No matter how hard I try, what fertilizer or soil I use - and now I'm nurturing a child?!) However, I am reminded that I have GREATER resources to rely on -
The RICHEST soil: the Word of God
The STRONGEST fertilizer: Prayer
The PUREST water: Jesus
Psalm 127:4 says that children are like arrows in the hand of a warrior - I believe that this is saying that our children have the potential to be history makers and world changers - we can "point them" in a direction to fly, to soar and to hit the target of their destiny right in the bulls eye.
WE are the warrior. WE fight for our children.
HOW do we fight for our children? PRAYER. This is our GREATEST weapon!
For example we can pray and ask for wisdom USING SCRIPTURE as we make choices and decisions for our children daily. James 1:5 says If ANY man(woman) lacks wisdom, he is to ask of God who gives it LIBERALLY.
There are so many things that I am confronted with already- choices, choices choices! To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? Feed him RICE cereal first? (arsenic??) or start with OATMEAL? Give him solids at 4 or 6 months??? So many questions and EACH topic is SO important to their growth and development! Thank God for the Holy Spirit who "will guide us into ALL truth ..." John 16:13 So I ask the Lord for the wisdom and insight to know what is best for my son in EVERY situation.
I want to list some topics for you to pray over your child along with a scripture reference. These are scriptures and topics my husband and I pray over our son and continue to! I pray this will be of help to you as you strengthen your arms for war! Remember who we are warring with - the enemy knows how important our children are to the Kingdom of God. But God has not left us helpless~He has given us everything we need to raise compassionate, courageous, strong, Spirit-lead men and women of God! This next generation will do greater things than we will do!!!
*some scriptures reworded to pray personally.
- Protection: Psalm 91:11 He will give His angles charge over you to KEEP you in ALL your ways (actually ALL of Psalm 91 )
- Health: Proverbs 3:7,8 Fear the lord and depart from evil. It will be HEALTH to your flesh and strength to your bones. Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded and bruised for our <sins>; and by His stripes <on His back> we are Healed.
- Peace: Phillipians 4:7 that the peace of God would guard his heart and mind!
- Future Spouse: Genesis 24:14 the one YOU have appointed for my child
- Call of God/Destiny: 2 Timothy 1:3-7 I thank God... without ceasing- I remember you in my prayers night and day...calling to remembrance the genuine faith that is IN you , which was first in your grandmother(s) and your Momma (and Daddy) and I am persuaded is in you also. So I pray that the gift of God which is in you would be stirred up! For God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind!