Friday, April 27, 2012

A Piece of My Story...

So much has happened in my life the last few months. It's time to write about God's faithfulness to me in this season. I pray you find hope in a piece of my story.
 "Whether we like it or not, life has a lot of drama and pain. But God is writing a great story. Are we going to let Him? Are we going to trust Him?" - Beth Moore

In August 2010 I found out I was pregnant after our first time "trying". My husband and I were ecstatic! We had just celebrated our second year anniversary and we were ready to start our family. Unfortunately around week 9, I miscarried. 
It was one of the hardest things I've ever been through. The feeling of loss enveloped me as I felt completely abandoned by God. I couldn't understand why He would allow that to happen. Aside from the physical pain of my body losing a baby, the internal feeling of loss was sometimes overwhelming.

I spent the next 16 months trying to make some sense of this. God, in His faithfulness, walked so closely with me teaching me many things along the  way. Many of these priceless lessons are documented in my past blogs.

We continued to "try" for another baby. We went to a fertility doctor during this time and tried numerous things, at some point I was at the doctors office every other day for them to take blood and check my levels. If you've ever been through any fertility treatments, you know how taxing this can be on your heart AND your wallet! 
I've heard that this can also be tough on a marriage, but I'm so thankful for the Godly man I married. His strength and covering helped my fluctuating hormones and emotions!! As we pulled in closer, we prayed together and fought discouragement with scripture. Month after month we refused to give up hope. 

Our next step was supposed to be IVF, however we had to take a month off because I developed a cyst from a previous treatment. I was a little frustrated, feeling like it was just another set back. However, we were scheduled to start IVF the day after Christmas... about 6 weeks away.
Well that month off is when IT happened! No medicineno doctor, no schedule. It was God's timing. When HE wanted it to happen.

I am now 5 months pregnant with a little boy!!! We are full of joy at the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord!!

Everyone has a story, and God has different ways of bringing us to the place where He needs us to be for His glory- and this is a piece of my story. 

It's so exciting to be in this new chapter now. Thankfully we are always learning and growing, so there will be more lessons and more opportunities to grow in my faith walk as a Mommy. With these lessons will come more blogs!! 

God is constantly speaking to us... are you listening? Think about what He has been speaking to your heart. What is the lesson you are learning at this point in your story? Find a way to document it and build your alter of remembrance! Even a piece of your story could encourage someone else to hold on tighter to God's promise concerning them!


  1. Your story brought tears to my eyes, Elisa! I am so glad you shared how God worked His timing and blessed you with being pregnant. What a powerful way of proclaiming God's love and faithfulness! I can't wait to meet the new addition to your family. I will continue to pray for the Lord's protection over you and your son. May you continue to write about your adventures in motherhood and what God is teaching you in your life!

  2. Thank you, Elisa, for sharing your experience so beautifully with us. I am thinking of you and your family with so much love! xoxo
    Mandy Main
